Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Love Soul Mate

Love Soul Mate - "Find out the name of your Love Soulmate"

This was the target of a banner ad I saw today. The banner said it would "Calculate the exact name of your perfect lover!" And even though I wouldn't want anyone to think I'm looking for a more perfect mate than I have, I clicked. To save you the trouble of trying this yourself, here's what happened:

Select your gender. I click on the guy.

Select your sign. I click on Aries.

Enter your name (this will be used in the calculation). I type "Joe".

Enter your cell number.

I click "Back".

This is such a blatant spamtrap that I didn't even bother reading the fine print. Enter my cell number. Ha! I probably shouldn't even encourage these people by linking to their site. But somehow I can't resist.

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